Sue Martin - (Church Secretary)
I have been married to Kevin for 46 years and have lived in Haydon Wick for 44 years. We have two sons and four grandchildren. My interests apart from family include swimming, gardening and walking, I have been attending Emmanuel since 1980 and have served as an Elder and Church Secretary for a large number of years.
I am a member of the Lunch Club team and also help to run Thursday Group (a ladies group).

Kathryn Walker
Kathryn has lived in Haydon Wick Parish for over 53 years, and along with her husband, Philip, has been a member here for over 10 years. Kathryn works for Bible Society and in her own time enjoys experimenting with different crafts and pottering in the garden.

Mary Day
I am married with 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I work as a PA part time for a visually impaired lady and as a secretary for her sister. I lead CAMEO on a Wednesday morning and volunteer/work when necessary at Legge House in Wroughton each week. I have been doing this work for 6 years before that I was a supervisor at a preschool. I am a member of the Sandbourne home group and enjoy prayer breakfast.

Jan Peters
I am married to John and between us we have several children, grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Now retired, most of my working life was around admin/ office work. We enjoy having the time now to do the things we never had time for when I was working. I felt privileged to have been nominated as an elder and will do my best to serve Emmanuel in this role.

Juliet Smith
I am married with 2 daughters and work full time as a teaching assistant in a local primary school. I have been going to Emmanuel URC since i was 3 years old when my mum took me to Sunday school. 40+ years later & I’m still here. I have so many happy memories of Sunday school and eventually I became a Junior Church Leader myself for a number of years. I now promote Fairtrade products on Emmanuel’s Traidcraft stall, whilst also managing the Good Earth Café. I have been an Elder for 11 months and in my free time I enjoy listening to music & cooking.

Angela Jones
I have been a member at Emmanuel for twenty years and love it there! I find it welcoming and inclusive and we do our best to be outward looking to the community we are in. My interests are Greek, Roman and Egyptian history and I love reading. Favourite authors are Terry Pratchett and Lindsey Davis. My husband and I are also involved in grandparent care for our busy daughter. It keeps us young. Come to Emmanuel and see what we are all about!.

Michelle Howard
Michelle has been attending Emmanuel URC for a considerable number of years and has been appointed as an Elder by the membership. She is also the Safeguarding Lead within the Church. She has lived in Haydon Wick for nearly 30 years. She currently works for the URC in the south west as a Church Development Worker. Her background is as a Solicitor, but she has also worked in Health and Social Care at Board Level. Michelle has been paralysed from the chest down since the age of 16.

Rachael Cleary
I am wife to Alan and Mum to Pat, Ella and Isobel. I first found Emmanuel via CAMEO when Pat was a just a year old and Ella was a tiny baby. CAMEO became a life line for me and those who helped run it made me feel like I belonged. 17 years later and Emmanuel has become part of my life.